Our address is 3836 N Virginia Dare Trail in Kitty Hawk, NC 27949. We are between the roads at MilePost 4.5. If you put this address into your GPS, it will bring you in along the beach road. If you go that way, you'll take the second entrance into Sea Dunes (right), go to the end and go left... our building will be on your left.
From the North:
Follow 168 south from Chesapeake. The toll road near Chesapeake (168 bypass) is really expensive. In the high season it is $9 each way. I think it is less in the off season, but it is easy to by-pass. If you follow the sign that says last exit before toll, you will be on 168 business. It takes you past WaWa to a stoplight. At the light, go right... it will take you through a small town and back onto 168 bypass south. On the way back, just look for the same sign, and watch for the WaWa (so you can turn left at that corner.)
As you enter the island, there are several grocery choices: on the right - Walmart supercenter (just renovated) and Harris Teeter (next to WM); and on the left - Food Lion. There is a new Publix in Kill Devil Hills, next to Lowe's.
If you choose to bypass groceries and also much traffic, turn right at the light at Woods Road. This is the second traffic light after the bridge. (There is a school on the far left corner.) You'll go through a residential area, and then turn left onto Kitty Hawk Road. Continue to the beach road and turn right at the Black Pelican (awesome restaurant). Pass the public beach and go to the second Sea Dunes Entrance. Take the first left, and our building will be on the left. We are unit J-5. The address of the complex is 3836 N Virginia Dare Trail J-5.